Painting, meant literally, is the practice of applying color to a surface such as paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer or concrete. Painting is used as a mode of representing, documenting and expressing all the varied intents and subjects that are as numerous as there are practitioners of the craft.

Traditional Indian painting is as old and varied as the land itself. The earliest painting in India can be found on the walls of Bhimbetka caves in Madhya Pradesh, Indus Valley Civilization, Ajanta and Mughal Miniatures

Loveliest of Rasamanjari series - Heroine is on the way to tryst to meet Krishna.

Miniature Paintings

Miniatures are small, colorful pictures painted in glowing mineral and vegetable colors. The world of miniature paintings is perhaps the most fascinating in Rajasthan, India. Today, many artists continue to make miniature paintings produced on: Glass, Marble, Silk, Velvet, Paper, Wood .


Raja Ravi Varma Paintings

Oil Paintings

Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that bound with medium of drying oil. A basic rule of oil paint application is 'fat over lean. That is each additional layer of paint should be a bit oilier than the layer below, to allow proper drying. Oil paint was probably developed for decorative or functional purposes in the High Middle Ages. The process of oil painting varies from artist to artist, but often includes certain steps.

Thanjavur Paintings

Indian is rich in her heritage. The important aspect of our heritage are our art and crafts. Thanjavur paintings are a part of this rich art milieu. Those paintings created using a style and technique, which originated in Thanjavur during Maratha period in 16th century. The painting would be bright & colourful and breathtakingly beautiful. THANJAVUR PAINTING is a peculiar, ancient, miniature type of painting named after the place Thanjavur [called Tanjore in English] in Tamil Nadu, a southern state of INDIA.

Thanjavur was a seat of music. Maratha style of painting is known as Thanjavur style of painting. It has little variation from other styles and certain influences of others. Thanjavur Paintings are made on canvasses. The Canvas for a Thanjavur painting is usually a plank of wood (originally wood of the Jackfruit tree was used, now it's plywood) over which a layer of cloth is pasted with Arabic gum. The cloth is then evenly coated with a paste of limestone and a binding medium and let to dry.

Madhubani Paintings

Painting is one of the traditional skills that is passed down from generation to generation in the families of some of the women. They paint figures from nature and myth on household and village walls . William and Mildred Archer were the first modern outsiders to document the tradition of Madhubani paintings. A major ecological and economic crisis that resulted from a prolonged drought in 1966-68 that struck Madhubani and the surrounding region of Mithila led the women painters to share their work with the larger world.

Warli Paintings

Warli Paintings are characterized by the minimalistic style employed to say the profoundest things. Spiral formations of men and women and concentric circular designs in Warli Paintings are symbolic of the circle of life, in fact most of these seemingly simple paintings abound in symbolism. Warli painting derives its name from a small tribe inhabiting the remote regions of Maharashtra, India. Folk imagination, beliefs and customs are spontaneously expressed in these monochromatic tribal paintings

Cute Collections

Cute Collections

Diversion of Jamuna

Girl playing with a ball

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